Seasonal Forecast

Warmer than Normal
Near Normal
Cooler than Normal

Click on the map to see the probability pie graph by province.

Warmer than Normal
Near Normal
Cooler than Normal

Click on the map to see the probability pie graph by province.

Warmer than Normal


Cooler than Normal

● Three vertical bars indicate historical air temperature for each 3-month period, representing three categories (Above Normal, Near Normal, Below Normal); The height of each bar indicates the monthly air temperature range for each category recorded for 1989-2018.

● Only the highest probability category predicted from seasonal forecasts is filled with its own color, while others are empty with no color.

● Observed air temperature from weather station are indicated as squares(■); If no complete 3 months' data is available, it is indicated as triangles(▲).

Drier than Normal
Near Normal
Wetter than Normal

Click on the map to see the probability pie graph by province.

Drier than Normal
Near Normal
Wetter than Normal

Click on the map to see the probability pie graph by province.

Wetter than Normal


Drier than Normal

● Three vertical bars indicate historical rainfall amount for each 3-month period, representing three categories (Above Normal, Near Normal, Below Normal); The height of each bar indicates the monthly rainfall amount range for each category recorded for 1989-2018.

● Only the highest probability category predicted from seasonal forecasts is filled with its own color, while others are empty with no color.

● Observed rainfall amounts from weather station are indicated as squares(■); If no complete 3 months' data is available, it is indicated as triangles(▲).